The Mayor of Farragut said
here that the town is not in the School Business, Police Business, Fire Protection Business, Utility Business, Garbage Disposal Business, etc. Well, I'd say that the town is an agent in those businesses, even if it decides not to be in those businesses. It simply decides that it prefers to outsource them. That is well within the town's right, but at what cost to it's residents?
I'm not saying that the town needs to implement a property tax. However if you look at the current effects of outsourcing our services, we have--
1. Increased homeowner/auto insurance rates.
2. No real law enforcement/prevention (oh sure, we get a nibble here and there from our KCSD (and I'm not saying that they're doing a bad job, either), but nothing's been done to visibly cause change in speeding/crime in West Knox County)
3. No regulation on increases in Rural/Metro membership fees (which my HOA said went up AGAIN this year)
4. Over crowded schools with no plans for putting in new schools to increase capacity
5. Utility costs which continue to increase without any impedance from the town (I may be wrong here, but my costs have almost doubled in the 3 years I've lived in Farragut).
I believe it's time our leadership evaluated the real costs of outsourcing and determined if its better for us as a town to bring them partially or wholly in-house. If not, then we'd better start getting more value for what we as residents spend. After all, we as residents are spending real money here, aren't we?
If we want to continue improving our town, we need to start somewhere and I think bringing in new retail businesses (from which we can collect our portion of sales tax) is the way to go as this provides revenue for our town without impacting residents. That is, as long as we can get shoppers to spend time and money here in Farragut. After all, we've got vacant businesses that need to be filled, so we're not having to develop any new land for it. And as for the signage ordinance, I think the signs need to be more consistent (and maybe the town should provide some financial incentives to do so, like a tax credit equaling the cost of bringing the signs up-to-date).
Well, maybe y'all can think of other things to help our town (or say what you think is wrong with it), and maybe you can voice why I'm wrong in my perception. Comment and let me know.
Just remember, this is only an opinion, and if I can be convinced, it may change....
Anonymous comments are allowed, but keep them clean, o.k. We don't want to become the editng police!