Monday, June 06, 2005

Cheaters, Cheaters....I HATE Them!

Is it just me or have I been seeing a lot of cheating going on around here lately? Whether its at Peters Road and Cedar Bluff (all those people in the LEFT TURN lane that decide that they want to go straight--you know who you are and should be ashamed of yourselves!), or those of you who cut out in front of me and my "stealth vehicle" (I swear as often as it happens I must be driving one!), or in the checkout line at the local store (someone actually tried this the other day and I only had ONE item), or even people having the audacity to change the price of an item IN the store! (I haven't seen this, but I've heard some friends of mine that work in retail talk about it), well I'm FLAT-OUT getting tired of it! Have people ignored common courtesy and deceny in their upbringing? Is their selfishness and self-concern really that overridding a factor that it's got to be satisfied before all others? I heard that this was the home of Southern Hospitality but all I see is rudeness, cheating and stuff I wouldn't associate with Southern Hospitality.

Anyway, I hope I am wrong, but please let me know...

Anonymous comments are allowed, but keep them clean, o.k.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheaters! Well thank goodness in was in West Knoxville and not in Farragut. We wouldn't put up with them here. were did I put that envelope...

June 06, 2005 12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh-huh. The cheat mentioned was in West Knox, but Farragut has several of its own cheating spots--Parkside/Grigsby Chapel & Campbell Station Rd., for example, the left turn light isn't long enough at some times of the day to let all the cars through, so some run the light. Then you also have all those folks zooming down that stretch of road at 70mph!

June 08, 2005 8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not wrong and people should not stand for it. Anyone thats cuts in front of me in a line at the grocery regardless of age or gender is gently reminded they have to wait their turn. I often will let people in front of me but I make that call. Southern manners work both ways.

June 09, 2005 8:04 AM  

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