Friday, August 19, 2005

Are you really that pressed for time???

I'm driving in to work this morning and doing the speed limit (or 1-2 mph over depending on how my cruise control works), and not 1, not 2, but 3 cars pull right up on my bumper, get frustrated, then pass me on the right as soon as they possibly could. Maybe it's time y'all took a chill pill, calmed down and quit rushing through life! Believe me, just a few months ago, I was just like a lot of you rushing people, trying to push them out of the way, but then I realized something--will it really matter if I get there a few seconds/minutes later? No, it won't! Since then, I've taken the time I used to spend rushing around like a madman and just let things come to me. I feel better, I'm not as stressed and I'm enjoying my activities more. So come on, slow down, take it easy and enjoy life. After all, you only have one life on this earth, enjoy the time you have while you're here, o.k.

Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another day in the life of sprawl....

August 19, 2005 7:24 AM  
Blogger Barry Wallace said...

Has nothing to do with sprawl, c'mon.

Amazing how people pick up on a set of terms that don't match their lifestyle and eventually become pseudo-obscenities.

August 19, 2005 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Barry it does. When folks live a greater distance from their destination, they are more harried and more hurried. James is right although I choose to live in Farragut but don't know if he does.
In the case the sprawl-complainer is right on the money.

August 19, 2005 12:34 PM  
Blogger Barry Wallace said...


Someone who lives in North Knoxville and works downtown could be guilty of exactly the same thing - driving down the Interstate, or even Broadway, at higher than the posted speed limit because they didn't leave early enough to get where they want to go.

It has nothing to do with sprawl, it has to do with civility, and courtesy. Oh, and safety.

August 19, 2005 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a matter of priority and time management. If you are not organized enough to figure out what is really important in your life, there will be tons of things that will just get in there and rob you of your time and efforts. When that happens, people become busy, rush through life and become stressed. So stressed in fact because they have no control that they take it out in the only place they feel that they can have some control--whether it's behind the wheel of a vehicle, or kicking the dog.

August 19, 2005 6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with sprawl, it has to do with civility, and courtesy. Oh, and safety.

Well said.

This carping between urban and suburban is very telling. So much has been said about sprawl here has no relation to sprawl. If I lived in the concrete jungle I might be jealous of those people that could play in the yard with their kids. The ones that crack me up are those that claim to live in the suburbs that protest greatly about sprawl. James and Kimberly are fakes.

Is it renters lament?

August 19, 2005 10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry said...
it has to do with civility, and courtesy. Oh, and safety.

Hi Barry,
You are correct, but I agree with Kimberly also. Sprawl creates a hurried environment which increases the liklihood of less civility, courtesy and safety.
220 Sandringham Ct.

August 20, 2005 7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do they all sound alike? It is like spam. Now they give addresses to "prove" they exist. Cindy, why do you care about the good people of Farragut and how big their yards are?

August 20, 2005 8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Cindy, why do you care about the good people of Farragut and how big their yards are?

Cindy replies:
Because they are my neighbors but I don't really care how big their yards are.

August 20, 2005 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why do they all sound alike?

did you ever think that they may have a point? i liek my farragut community but it is obvious that our problems are sprawl based. rather thn ignore it maybe we should learn how to stop it from getting worse? the alternative is to stick our heads in the sand and watch life in farragut worsen. we should quit debating the problem and instead develop solutions.

August 20, 2005 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should quit debating the problem and instead develop solutions.

Other than impact fees what solutions are there? I don't think anyone likes sprawl but I not sure what the word sprawl means. I think I know what it looks like. It looks like Kingston Pike from West Town Mall to Cedar Bluff Road. Farragut doesn't look like that, yet.


August 20, 2005 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob said:
Other than impact fees what solutions are there? I don't think anyone likes sprawl but I not sure what the word sprawl means. I think I know what it looks like. It looks like Kingston Pike from West Town Mall to Cedar Bluff Road. Farragut doesn't look like that, yet.

Well Bob, it's not necessarily the look but more along the lines of population density. In fact, when population density centers "leapfrog", sprawl is created. This density gap causes longer commutes making people more pressed for time. The solutions are not to build a farflung high school but rather rezone inward, give MPC direction not to allow sprawling subdivisions and to enact impact fees. I'm no fan of Knoxville's former annexation programs but can understand that as people sprawled outward but still wanted city infrastructure to hop to, someone had to pay for it and it certainly didn't seem fair to continually raise city tax rates as that would simply exacerbate the problem.

August 20, 2005 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
James and Kimberly are fakes.

--Okey dokey, folks with differing opinions in Farragut must be "fakes". And we wonder why people bemoan Farragut for its cookie-cutter housing and chain restaurants. Darn it folks, some people in Farragut agree with the folks who mentioned sprawl. I believe they are right but that doesn't mean turning our back on Farragut---it means taking action to stop the problem. It is not urban v. suburban; it is right v. wrong. I love Farragut and want to make it better; let's listen to these folks who disagree with the mainstream Farragutian mindset.

August 20, 2005 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are concerned about sprawl here is what you can do:

Attend meetings Thursday night at the Farragut Town Hall

If you cannot attend the FMPC or FMBA meetings in person watch them on Charter Channel 3

Support impact fees being implemented in the Town of Farragut

Write letters to the Farragut Press

Contact your Knox County Commissioners and support impact fees being implemented in Knox County

Only support high-density development on roads like Kingston Pike that can carry the traffic

Protest high-density development on unimproved rural roads

Insist that First Utility District not import sewage waste from Loudon and Roane counties for treatment at the Concord Road sewage plant

Support the Knox County School Board’s resolution that MPC consider the impact of new students into the school system before it approves new subdivisions

August 21, 2005 9:11 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

I drive the speed limit too, but forcing speeders to pass you "on the right as soon as they possibly could" only makes them more dangerous and you more vunerable, not less.


Well, if they'd give me the chance to move over, I'd have done it, gladly!

To the anonymous comments about how to get involved and to develop solutions, I applaud your comments, however, is it enough? Can we do more? I tried to get involved, but all it did was make noise, it seemed. the MPC and the FBMA did what they wanted to do, and when the call came for change, nothing happened. So, unless you can change the mindset of an entire town (which I'm hoping this blog does help to eventually perform), you will not get the desired effect.

Off the soapbox...

August 22, 2005 6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drive the speed limit too, but forcing speeders to pass you "on the right as soon as they possibly could" only makes them more dangerous and you more vunerable, not less.

The "pace car" idea is just for the two lane roads and the right hand lane. No one should be a pace car in the left lane on Kingston Pike. That idea will not work. Good point.

August 22, 2005 9:37 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

OK, tell me how that works on Parkside drive/Grigsby Chapel heading east into Knoxville from Farragut. You have the recently "reconfigured" stop light @ Campbell Station, where there is 1 left turn only, 1 straight and 1 right turn only lane. I head straight and cars behind me in the intersection are already moving over in an effort to pass (and that was this morning, btw, and I wasn't the first car in line even!). Its as if they are at Bristol and have got to be the winner!

August 22, 2005 12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have the recently "reconfigured" stop light @ Campbell Station, where there is 1 left turn only, 1 straight and 1 right turn only lane. I head straight and cars behind me in the intersection are already moving over in an effort to pass (and that was this morning, btw, and I wasn't the first car in line even!). Its as if they are at Bristol and have got to be the winner!

In my book you are in the right. Those behind you that are trying to push you out of the way can wait. This is what needs to change in Farragut. There is an attitude problem with some of our neighbors. Sounds like the Sheriff needs to know about this spot.

August 22, 2005 12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James, Kimberly, and Cindy:

What happened? Some real suggestions about how to combat sprawl are offered and poof, you are gone. I thought we were having a discussion. Do you just want to complain about sprawl or to you want to do something about it?

August 23, 2005 10:50 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

The "pace car" idea is just for the two lane roads and the right hand lane. No one should be a pace car in the left lane on Kingston Pike. That idea will not work. Good point.

Actually, the speed limit applies to ALL lanes of traffic! That being said, people have the right to break the law if they wish so long as they are willing to accept the consequences. But at least give those of us who CHOOSE to obey the law the chance to move over. Thanks.

August 24, 2005 6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the suggestions.

Anonymous said...
James, Kimberly, and Cindy:

What happened? Some real suggestions about how to combat sprawl are offered and poof, you are gone. I thought we were having a discussion. Do you just want to complain about sprawl or to you want to do something about it?

August 24, 2005 9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you just want to complain about sprawl or to you want to do something about it?

Is it true that the TOF will consider impact fees? If so, don't we all need to be part of that discussion?


August 24, 2005 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
James, Kimberly, and Cindy:

What happened? Some real suggestions about how to combat sprawl are offered and poof, you are gone.

Actually, those suggestions --particularly about rezoning inward, impact fees and an educated MPC hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, the big Republican developers of Farragut will not allow this to happen.
Follow the money.

August 24, 2005 8:12 PM  

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