Apologies & learning lessons....
However, that being said, I found all of your comments very interesting. Personally, I think that Farragut may not be controlling it's growth properly because we are suffering the effects of short-term sprawl and there appears to be no end in sight! Right now my HOA is looking at the proposed sub-division that is to be created on Grigsby Chapel and weighing the pros and cons of it. Sure, our property values will most likely go up, however, can we deal with more traffic on this already crowded road? How about the additional cars that are already lining up when school starts? The sub-divison's main entrance will be right in the middle of that line-up, and how many people are going to let folks from that sub-division during school drop-off and pick-up times? Have our town's leaders taken civic planning courses? Are we willing to continue to grow residential development without the necessary infrastructure requirements? Also, are we going to continue to let our "business unfriendly" image survive?
I don't know what to do here. HELP!!!! We need people to point out our town's issues and possible solutions to them to our leaders. Call them, e-mail them, hold them to their promises!
Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k.