Merry Christmas AND Happy Holidays!
Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k. However, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.
An independent voice of the town of Farraut, TN. This blog hopes to inform & educate it's citizens on town issues, events and concerns.
We want to rally support for the town & make it an even better community to live in!
For those of you who claim that Red-light cameras increase rear-end accidents, I tell you this--
If you rear-end someone who is stopping at a red-light, you're either--
And in reality, rear-end collisions are only increased for a few months at most. Once you've gotten used to them, you will either comply or be hit with the consequences. Literally!
Lastly, for those of you that think this reeks of "Big Brother," well I'm sorry to say that although I disliked the idea originally, after driving through this county enough and having seen the "wild west" attitude, I had to change my mind. After all, I want my future kids and hopefully grandkids to grow up in a calmer, more peaceful environment than is out on our roadways now. I want them to learn that respecting the law is actually a good thing. Remember driving is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. If you choose to disobey the rules of the road, you don't deserve to drive. If I get caught running a red-light, then I deserve the ticket, just like everyone else!
Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k. However, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.