Traffic, traffic, traffic! Lately, that's all I see in West Knox/Farragut. Thing is, its not the amount of traffic that's making me steamed, it's the wreckless abandon that the few "bad apples" called agressive drivers have been doing. What got to me this time was one family in a large SUV who were speeding down Campbell Station Road at a very unsafe speed (you know who you are), pulled up behind me (I was doing 42mph), honked horns, considered using the center turn lane to pass, and even flipped me the bird when they were finally able to pass me just before Kingston Pike. Well, I'm telling you now, I'm not going to be intimidated by your childish and selfish actions. There's a reason for speed limits and rules of the road people! They're as much for your safety as well as those around you.
Here's my list of questions to all you agressive drivers out there--
Do you know what risks you are doing to yourselves, the people in your vehicles and to the rest of us? Do you know that you're causing higher insurance rates for yourself and everyone around you? Do you care that eventually you will be in an accident and that you will more likely be the cause of said accident (not to mention you make the injuries sustained worse due to said agression)? Will it matter to you unless your or someone else gets hurt? Or until you get pulled over, ticketed, or sued and it hits your pocket directly? Can you plan your life so it's not so busy? Maybe it's time to cut some of those activites out or at least pare them down so you're not so rushed. If not, at least manage your time so you're not having to risk it, please.
For those of you who follow the rules--
I'm glad I have a big enough vehicle not to get totally pushed around as I drive the speed limit. But for those of you who aren't in a large car or SUV, don't be bullied by those agressive drivers. Sure, be curteous and considerate, but don't let them get to you. After all, if they would just plan better, they might not need to be in such a rush....
Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k. However, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.