Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Signage, Signage, Signage...

In the Farragut Press there is an article about the Cook's Grill which closed after being open 10 months. The owner, Walter Cook, cites the restrictive signage as a reason for failure. Well, you know what? I'm inclined to agree with him! How many businesses has Farragut lost due to its residents not even knowing that they exist? How many more are struggling? Well, I think it's time to make uniform signage a reality! I don't care if the signs are 6 feet, 10 feet or 100 feet high! Just make them uniform and in the same location in each and every business! Make the signs easy to change in cases where the business has changed, and even give business tax credits if need be, but get this done! Come on, this isn't rocket science. Just basic town branding. Also, halt all new commercial development until the current vacant sites are filled. It becomes rediculous to see boarded up businesses while new commercial buildings are built right down the street! And don't give me any 1/2 baked excuse that those businesses have unique needs that can only be filled by a new building. There are enough varied empty structures that can provide the needed space (and at a lower price than building new if truth be told)! Couldn't something like the Icearium have been done in the old K-Mart Building? How about that new Harley Davidson Dealership? Its time to think outside the box (and outside Turkey Creek)!

Just one man's opinion...

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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Do we need a police department?

I've heard people say that we don't have a need for a police department. Well, I came from a town with significantly less people (about 6,000 between the town and township), and they had a police department of 6 officers. Why? Because it directly affected the amount of crime and violence our town had. It also affects your homeowner's insurance rates for the better! Have you read the Farragut Press police reports section? That amount of crime, whether or not it's petty, deserves better attention by our town leaders. If they are unwilling to communicate with our Sheriff's department and get more than just one sheriff to patrol our beloved town, maybe it's time to fund our own. I personally think if we can get a couple more deputies we shouldn't need a police department. However, if we cannot come to some kind of an agreement with the KCSD, maybe we need to look into it.

Just my opinion, feel free to slam it if you wish....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Isle of Farragut

I keep hearing from people outside our town that Farragut is a stuck up little princess of a town that does things their own way and that if others don't like it, well, they can just kiss the town's "rear end". Lately, I can see why. We have over-crowded schools. We also have people that drive like they own the entire road, other people that drive like they are in the Farragut 500! As a result, we have the ever increasing problem of traffic accidents and injuries/fatalities. There is also no law enforcement for such a large number of residents (not to knock the KCSD, but they have to service an entire county, not just Farragut). There are businesses that give it a go, but the town doesn't support them (you can probably name at least 2 or 3), so they pack up and leave. Well, I'd better stop ranting before the establishment thinks I'm totally hating the town (which I'm not).

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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Going off-line for a while...

Due to a personal issue, I'm going to be off-line for a while. I may do the occasional post, but I'm going to be taking some time to work on my real life for a bit. I've linked the header with the blog "Can Farragut Change". So if you would just keep my in your prayers, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Farragut Independent
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Monday, May 02, 2005

Sunday Drive, Monday Gripe!

Yesterday, I was doing some shopping with my neighbors (the same neighbors that were involved in an accident last week) as well as touring their children who came in from out-of-town to visit. Well, I've been following the speed limit (Needless to say, my neighbors have been justifiably antsy and nervous after the accident) and have been driving more defensively than ever! Well, while we were out, not once, not twice, but THREE different times, people sped up behind us, went around us and cut us off only to be caught up at the next traffic light. I'm really getting tired of speaking on traffic challenges in West Knox County, but here I am again doing just that!

Is your desire to beat me to the next light that important? If so, call your local representative and tell them you want the speed limit increased! Otherwise, sit back and calm down! Otherwise, I will put in a paintball gun in my Sports Wagon!

Anonymous comments are allowed, but keep them clean, o.k. We don't want to become the editng police!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Self-Absorption by Cell Phone & Driving

On Michael Science's blog, he talks about almost getting hit by a couple of drivers talking on their cell phones. Well, it seems like the insurance industry concurs with Mike on what appears to be an increasing problem nationwide. But is it worse in Knox County? Maybe, maybe not. The insurance guys are probably motivated by how much money they can save the companies they represent, but in this case, it's also a matter of how many injuries and deaths can also be prevented! That becomes a win-win for everyone because it eventually lowers your insurance rates (meaning more $$ in your pocket).

Personally, I think it's not just the cell phone usage, but the tailgating, speeding, and overall selfishness (and self-absorption) of drivers in Knox County. I'll admit, I use my cell phone to call my wife on her cell and tell her that I'm on my way to pick her up, but I have her on speed dial (she's #1), keep the conversation short (30 seconds or less) and I get off the phone and back to driving asap. Common sense should tell you that if you're going to spend a lot of time on a conversation, you pull over to a parking lot or some other place out of traffic's way.

Now if cell phone usage is banned while driving, then I'll observe the law, but I don't know if that measure is too extreme or not at this point. But I'll be the first to admit that it won't be the first time I've been wrong, and it won't be the last.

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