Thank-you! for attending and making your voices heard concerning Grigsby Chapel Road. For all those folks from Farragut Commons, Ramsgate, Windham Hall, Fox Den, & others who came out to speak on the traffic problems that are making our streets unsafe. Your participation was greatly needed and now it is up to us to keep that fire burning until the FBMA formally declares its plan to fix the challenges we have set before them.
Now I know this problem will not be fixed overnight, but now that the board formally knows about them and has committed resources to investigate how bad of a problem this is, they will have to acknowledge that whatever fix they implement must be one that will be long-term, not just a "band-aid" fix.
I do hope that once the fixes have been implemented, Grigsby Chapel Road no longer becomes a cut-through to Loudon County, and that it becomes a safe road once again.
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