OK, am I imagining things or is Campbell Station road North of Kingston Pike getting more and more congested? I head down that road several times a week from Grigsby Chapel/Parkside Dr. to go to my Chiropractor, Blockbuster, get dinner at Oskies, or Gondolier, KFC, etc. Lately, it seems like this road is full of "road-ragers" (including one in a huge SUV that decided to pass me using the center turn lane, no less!). I'm thinking of calling in the sheriff's dept. and asking them to police this road a bit more agressively. After all, Farragut Primary School is on this road, as is the Farragut Branch of the Knox County Library, Campbell Station Park and the back entrance to Farragut High.
Am I alone in my part of town for wanting a safe place to drive and walk? Let me know.
Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k. However, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.