Well, I'm back from vacation. Exhausted from driving, but ready to get back to blogging again!
I see that all the issues surrounding our town still exist. From the increasing traffic outside my subdivision, to the unconstrained development, the "crime" and lack of law enforcement thereof, to the road construction that I truly believe will NOT change driving behavior for the better, and of course the speeders who will stop it nothing to barrel over anyone and everyone who gets in their way.
Well, I guess it's now time to get into an activist type of mode now that I'm back from my vacation. And I'm looking for folks that are willing to help. Call your mayor and aldermen. Make them listen to you and your concerns. You can also voice your concerns before each and every Town Meeting--whether it's a FBMA or MPC meeting, so make your voice be heard. My problem is that I'm unable to attend most of those meetings as I have a planned activity most Thursday nights, but that shouldn't stop anyone else from going to the town hall. Also, please be considerate of your fellow neighbors and SLOW DOWN and follow the rules and speed limits.
Anonymous comments are allowed, just keep them clean, o.k. However, due to the amount of "ad postings" that I have deleted lately, I've had to add a verification word before you can post, sorry.